A passionate exchange or a spat amongst Ugandans on Twitter?

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This afternoon I stumbled upon an interesting conversation on twitter amongst some of my fellow Ugandans. I have their permission to share their exchange with you with a view to opening a debate on some of the issues that they raise.I  started the “watching” the conversation rather late and as far as I can work out it started with this tweet from Alan-

kasujja Alan Kasujja-Please join me in congratulating H.E @paulkagame who is currently in London to receive The Chello Foundation Humanitarian Award

And the exchange that followed covered all manner of topics about the state of affairs in Africa- brand Africa, human rights, rights and responsibilities of African journalists, freedom of African press, the accountability of those in power etc– the exchange had no hashtag- so it has been hard to piece it together. I  do hope you can follow it and add your voice-

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