African Teachers Joining Together in Virtual EdCamp Teacher Conferences

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African Teachers Joining Together in Virtual EdCamp Teacher Conferences William Jackson, M.Ed. 32 year educational professional

My Quest to Teach #MyQuestToTeach

EdCamp Powerful Leaning

African teachers were hit hard with the closing of schools and learning centers. As an educational advocate for global learning groups that I support like Sunflower Trust 

It is important that African schools are supported locally, nationally and on the continent. Students need the support of the government to obtain virtual learning to continue their quest to build their knowledge in order to obtain careers that help themselves and help their


The virtual EdCamp conferences has expanded from just a dialogue on teacher tools, platforms and the development of educational strategies to equitable access to the Internet, teacher preparation to teach virtually, the Digital Divide and Teachers of Color Meet-up. Building a strong digital and wireless infrastructure helps the continent provide continuous learning across the continent not just for

those with financial security.

Discussion will be held in areas of “Teachers of Color Meet-Up,” “Session 1: Elementary School (Grades PreK-5),” and “Session 2: Digital Divide.” There are many opportunities during the summer for African educators to share their experiences, ideas, strategies and incites addressing COVID19, the pandemic and educational


Africa has taken many steps to stop the spread of the virus, but more is being done with closing borders, limiting transportation and even stopping international connections. Teachers are caught in a  situation themselves lacking digital devices, lacking Internet access and not knowing when they

can return to classes for much needed instruction.

William Jackson, M.Ed PE Teacher

Having experiences in the States with digital teaching, it is not always easy, there are challenges with creating a equitable learning environment for students. Promoting comprehension and applying learning to relevant living and growth

potential in students.

The pandemic is showing that there is much to do for students, families and communities to address the equability of accessing tools for virtual learning and building the access that is needed for communities

that are rural in extreme situations.

COVID19 school closures have caused drastic changes in the instructional models across the continent. Showing that educational models are fragile and need modifications and changes to prepare African teachers to become digital innovators for instruction

and innovation.

Many African educators are working during the summer to continue to figure out how to best support students with virtual learning or a combination of traditional and virtual. Governments are learning they need to listen to teachers and parents so changes can be

strategically made.

Jobs are influenced by technology in so many ways that African governments must have learning directed to prepare students to be the digital innovators, digital leaders and artistic creators necessary for African to continue to grow as a leader and influences global

commerce and governmental influences.

Digital Jobs Globally

Looking forward to participating in “Digital Promise and Edcamp Foundation” events online. Educators working to support one another in the transition to virtual learning at Edcamp. Community groups

like Sunflower Trust

and the leadership are working hard to help youth, teens and young adults

in and around Nairobi, Kenya.

Sunflower Trust EdCamp Conferences 2020

What EdCamps are: Edcamps are free public events which leverage the knowledge and experiences of attendees to create the topics and discussions of the day. The theme of this Edcamp is “Equity.” These sessions provides a space for elementary, middle and high school educators to connect and share insight, experiences,

and resources related to this theme. EdCamp Events

EdCammp Foundation

Digital Promise EdCamp

Digital Promise

William is the digital innovator for his brand My Quest To Teach using the hashtag #MyQuestToTeach sharing his journey teaching,  mentoring,

community activism and community collaborations.

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