Are you surfing the web of excellence or caught in the net of mediocrity?

6 Min Read

We are now in the era of globalisation. Globalisation can be described as the selling of products and/or services across cities and nations around the world.

In the era of globalisation, many African businesses are now using the Internet as a medium to increase their sales, productivity and brand. It is reported that McKinsey and Ernst & Young are forecasting that $150 billion will flow into Africa by 2015′. Source: With this truth, it is vital African businesses, big or small understand the power of doing business on-line with the stamp of excellence.

I believe one of the elements which will distinguish businesses in Africa is the quality of their website/websites. As an Entrepreneur, Keynote Speaker and Life Coach, I have seen some pretty dismal websites. Websites that were only relevant seven years ago and even then, the websites were average at best.

In the last 24 months, I have seen an increase of people calling themselves entrepreneurs. This definitely is not a bad thing, in fact, it is fantastic but unfortunately, many of the entrepreneur’s websites have fallen short of the mark called excellence.

In the beginning of my journey called distinction, I looked for websites which I could use as a bench-mark to start from but unfortunately, I couldn’t find the excellence I required. Knowing the importance of a website as a first point of contact for potential clients, I decided that my two websites would be websites which would break every form of average and dispel every notion of mediocrity. The reason for this was I would then create the platform of excellence from which others can use as a benchmark to start from.

Below are five principles which I believe will give you an excellent and distinct website. These principles are for African business and entrepreneurs around the world who sells products or services on-line.

1. Never use pictures that have already been used on other social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. You should only use pictures which are new and have been taken by a professional. Your level of professionalism will show your potential clients that you are not a ‘fly by night’ local champion but in fact you are a ‘player’ on the global business field.

2. I strongly advise you to have a recorded introduction on your website, nothing more than five minutes which should be brief and friendly. This will inform the viewer who you are and what you are offering. Never use a mobile phone recording as a video introduction. No matter how steady the person’s hands are, there will always be signs of shaking.

3. As an entrepreneur, It is important you update your website at least every three years. My first website which was my B1 COACHING website has undergone a major transformation since its launch. A great man once said, “being current is the currency of life” so, it is essential you identify the top websites in your field, learn from them and actually try and better them. Please note I said learn and not copy. Unfortunately there are many people who don’t understand copyright laws and end up copying word for word what they see on other peoples website.

4 . Do not have so much going on your website that after five minutes it becomes an arduous task to read the information. Keep it simple and effective but also strategic with excellence in mind. Always use a rich text for the words on your website. Do not use the text that can be compared to watching a grainy black and white TV. With the increase of android phones, it is vital that your website is user friendly on mobile phones.

5. Checking for grammar and spelling mistakes is an essential part of having a website of distinction. I regularly take 30 minutes every week and read through my websites to check for any spelling mistakes. This is essential because you don’t want people to be put off by simple and obvious mistakes.

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I believe the five principles I have shared will inspire, teach and challenge you to have a website or websites of excellence as you strive to become distinguished in your chosen field. There are so many opportunities in Africa and it would be a terrible thing if you kept missing out on opportunities that will benefit you. Once you implement these principles, your results of distinction will give your competitors no choice but to step up and change levels too.

Entrepreneur, are you creating new trends of excellence or following old forms of mediocrity?  ~ O. Anyado 2014.

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