Bingu Wa Mutharika

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May 7, 2013 By Jimmy Kainja

It is not very often that journalists are themselves a new subject, and when this happens it is often negative. Newsmen and woman in Malawi have lately been in the news, owing to President Joyce … [Read more…]

February 21, 2013 By Jimmy Kainja

In June 1993 Malawians voted in a referendum that gave them an opportunity to choose between continuing with one party state or adopt a multiparty democracy in which 64.69 per cent of Malawians chose … [Read more…]

January 23, 2013 By Jimmy Kainja

Watching the behind-the-scenes short documentary on Joyce Banda, the fourth president of Malawi, it is clear that she is acutely aware of the challenges she faces, as she tries to fix the ailing … [Read more…]

December 27, 2012 By specialguest

 Joyce Banda has  been heavily criticised by people in Malawi but Sitinga Kachipande, one of Africa on the Blog’s contributors, thinks the lady deserves a little credit and here is why: Joyce … [Read more…]

December 13, 2012 By Jimmy Kainja

By far the biggest event of 2012 for Malawi was the sudden death of its president Bingu wa Mutharika who died of a heart attack on 5th April. It was the first time an incumbent president had died in … [Read more…]

August 4, 2012 By Jimmy Kainja

President Joyce Banda has just celebrated 100 days in office, a very short period for any tangible assessment on her leadership. And the media analysis of the event reflected this fact – it had very … [Read more…]

May 28, 2012 By Jimmy Kainja

George Chaponda’s response to The State of the National Address was predictably very defensive. He came across as a whine, not DPP’s leader trying to offer a constructive and sound response to … [Read more…]

November 7, 2011 By Jimmy Kainja

There were high hopes amongst commentators and observers that the ‘Arab Spring’ would extend its reach to the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. This has yet to happen; at least in the way it was … [Read more…]

November 2, 2011 By Sitinga Kachipande

Questions about age limits seem simply to mask bigger questions of term limits and governance – we are arguing about the wrong issues and this deflects from more prominent ones. What we should be … [Read more…]

August 30, 2011 By specialguest

For over a decade I have been fascinated with India. Perhaps it stems from the childhood curiosity with a Hindu friend’s religion. At sleepovers, I’d spot a little shrine in her house. At its centre … [Read more…]

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