Casawe Youth In Action and SDGs

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Casawe Youth In Action and SDGs

William Jackson, M.Ed. My Quest To Teach

Podcaster, Blogger, Educator, Speaker

Zakaria Laajily, (Morocco),

Sarra L’kassmi, (Morocco),

Casawe Youth In Action is an event organized by AIESEC Morocco, in order to discuss leadership and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals referred to as SDGs. The event was held online on the 22nd and 23rd of January 2022.

Several delegates attended from different cities in Morocco and different speakers from numerous countries took part in the event too as each one of them talked about a specific SDG.

Today we are joined by one of the delegates from Rabat who attended the event as well, we take pride to welcome Sarra L’kassmi who helped provide a recap for the two days event. Sarra L’kassmi is 27 years old woman from Rabat. She’s a marketing nerd, vegan and a proud mother of a cat called Coin, also her favorite color is blue.

Here’s the recap for the 2 days event.

CASAWE YOUTH Day 1 recap

Leadership is all about teamwork, listening, convincing, taking advice. It’s the opposite of micro-management. Results are what matters. Talks to your team one by one or invite them to a restaurant. Know their mindset. Share with them. Present your ideas. Know why they don’t like your idea. Maybe your idea sucks! Listen.

“Be tough but with a kind heart.”

Are people born leaders? 1% of the population will never be leaders. The other 99% can be leaders if given the right tools. Ascend into self-leadership! Know your inner self. Lead yourself through events

or times of crisis in your own life = Don’t freak out! Why are you stuck in your comfort zone? It’ll

prevent you from changing your mindset. Don’t be influenced by the wrong people.

How do we improve?

-Continue to learn, make yourself learn new things on a daily basis.

-Develop critical thinking by reading.

-Surround yourself with intellectuals and good people.

-Seize the right opportunities that you come across. Research has found that

people miss 2 to 5 opportunities on a daily basis and that could be life-changing.

-Develop empathy.

-Focus on your mental health because it’s the foundation of everything you do.

-Choose your team wisely, and get to know them personally.

How to make change?

Believe! take action and make youth’s voice heard. If you are passionate about

changing the world, get out of your comfort zone.

SDG3: African countries should promote well-being for all. Good health is a right

for everyone, many NGOs organizations work for that matter, a good example

would be given from Egypt.

SDG4: Modern educational systems create segregations on multiple levels, that’s

why we should work on equality in education.

SDG5: Women in African countries should be empowered and not restrained

within the social limits that society imposes. Women are capable of anything

and could occupy any position as long as they believe they could.

SDG16: Peace, promote peaceful inclusive societies, inciting decision makers

and governments to embrace peace and establish justice.

CASAWE YOUTH Day 2 recap

🇱🇰 Lahiru Bandara with #AIESEC Sri Lanka

Sustainable development goals SDG14 is about life below water : reducing poverty, climate change and promoting equality. The goal is to leave no one behind.

Projects: Aquatica aiming at helping communities that live near marine and coastal areas and protecting wildlife inhabiting these ecosystems ( beach cleanups, awareness sessions, mangrove planting…) Rooted aiming at wildlife and animals conservation, rescuing rare and threatened animals like pangolin.

🇲🇦 Mohamed Nawfal ABOULFADL with – Lueur d’espoir Casablanca

“Happiness is only real when shared”

Activities: Humanitarian and medical caravans, school supplies for kids in underserved areas, school renovation for poorly built ones, Also, activities during Ramadan and Aid Al-adha as well as accompanying people in starting their own sustainable projects.

There will be a humanitarian and medical (Lions club doctors) caravan in Chichaoua 18th and 19th. The donations are in kind from Moroccan companies who support the cause.

🇲🇦 L’association minarets écologiques

Activities: Big patch for ocean waste. Awareness activities to shine a light on air and ocean pollution from olive oil factories, paper production factories and deforestation.

🇹🇷 Selin Yaşar with #AIESEC Turkey

Act with passion and compassion. Loves the color white! The most important thing is to take the first step to make an #impact

Activities: Help disabled children, people with Alzheimer’s and more

Such events set the path for Moroccan youth in particular and african youth in general to be involved in the SDGs, fight for the cause they align their selves with and create bigger impact in their communities. A special thanks to Sarra L’kassmi for her help and collaboration and every single delegate who gave their time to attend and make this event special and to AIESEC as well.

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