African politics

Latest African politics News

Zimbabwe’s unlikely white heroine

August 2, 2012 By NqabaM Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe, attends the…

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Out of Africa: Elections beget Bloodshed

December 30, 2010 By specialguest Guest Post from Andrew Field Andrew The…

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Who will save Lake Naivasha?

January 17, 2013 By Iman Hassan Water is one of those natural…

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We are the Patriots, You are the Incorrigible Puppets

February 1, 2011 By specialguest Recently in Zimbabwe, it seems to have…

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Rebranding Aid Won’t Make it Effective or Transparent

August 1, 2011 By Jimmy Kainja Image via Wikipedia “The word “aid”…

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Forced Removals shatter South African Communities – Part II

This elderly couple sit amongst the ruins of their community. Their home…

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The Politics of Belonging

A policeman escorts Somali families to evacuate after their homes were broken…

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South Africa: The Dalai Lama Visa Fiasco Reveals China’s True Colours

October 10, 2011 By Jimmy Kainja Image via Wikipedia The rise of…

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The Right Kind of Aid II: East African Drought Crisis

July 15, 2011 By specialguest Image via Wikipedia Guest Blog from Tomás Ó…

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People’s Misperceptions of Cancer and its Dangers

November 27, 2012 By Mary Ajoke Akangbe Doctors perform a surgery ‘Health…

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