Latest African politics News
Zimbabwe: Sowing the seed for a social media “revolution”
The past few weeks have seen an upsurge in online activism in…
The politics of Natural African Hair
Natural Africa hair is truly beautiful and unique, in its texture and…
How P-Square Angered Fans During their Washington DC Concert and Why Other Artists Should Take Note
I went to my first P-Square concert this past weekend when the…
Why Malaria is a good thing for Africa
Image via Wikipedia It is Malaria Day and we wouldn’t want want…
Why is It So Difficult to End Racial Marginalization in the United States?
Why is it so difficult to end racial marginalization in the United…
To See, To Speak, To Live
An old proverb declares, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”…
Garissa Killings: A Product of Impunity
This past week, 147 students were deprived of their God-given rights to life and…
BURUNDI: Should We Just Let Them Kill Each Other?
As a result of the never ending cycle of conflict and violence…