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Can Religion and African Traditional Practices Co-exist?

I grew up in a semi-strict Catholic household. We went to mass…

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Africans Start to Hashtag and Google Yourselves

The elevation of Africans having access to the Internet is increasing the…

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Cameroon: Fast Money, Short Life?

With only 53 years of independence, Cameroon is a country still reeking…

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The African vs critical thinking

What is critical thinking? From Wikipedia its the process of thinking that questions assumptions. Growing…

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Gabon: A Civil War in the Making?

Civil war has been an all too common experience of many African…

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The Plight of Hadiya asylum seekers and refugees

There are estimated tens of thousands of Hadiya migrants in South Africa.…

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Brexit- unintended consequesences for international development

Over a month ago now, Britain voted to leave the European Union…

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In support of polygamy

The theme of this blog post originated from a twitter chat with…

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An open letter to Nigerian Health workers

Dear health workers of Nigeria, You will not know me, but I…

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Last word on Cecil the lion

Now that the international brouhaha over the death of Cecil the lion…

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