Ending extreme poverty in our lifetimes seems like an impossible goal,

2 Min Read

September 11, 2011 By specialguest

but it actually is possible by 2015!

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are 8 goals established by the United Nations for the world to achieve by 2015. From making sure all children get an education to ending hunger to empowering women, these goals are markers of actually eradicating extreme poverty. And in order for the world to reach these goals, everyone needs to help out! From people like you and me, to organizations and corporations, every person and entity has something to contribute.
That’s where MDG Pledges comes in; you can pledge to do your part today at www.MDGPledges.org! It doesn’t have to be big or cost money (but it can!) and you can do it on your own, with a friend, or with a group. The pledging wizard makes it easy to uncover what your commitment can be, from suggesting ideas to choosing a cause. It also generates your very own customizable pledge page that you can publicize for support on your social networks easily.

Inspiring everyone to make a commitment to be part of the solution to end global poverty, MDG Pledges realizes that a global problem needs global action. Join the movement today & pledge your contribution!

P.S. – You can find MDG Pledges online as well at Facebook (/MDGPledges) and Twitter (@MDGPledges)

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