KidsCamp and the Global Explosion of STEAM and Web Development

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KidsCamp and the Global Explosion of STEAM and Web Development
William Jackson, Masters of Education Aida Correa, Artist and Business Owner of Love Built Life LLC Proud Microsponsors of : WordCamp and KidsCamp Entebbe WordCamp and Kids Camp Lagos Nigeria

WordCamp and Kids Camp PortHarcourt

Aida and William

Computers and tech have forever changed the lives of youth, teens and young adults. Truly we are living in a digital era and youth and teens are becoming digital influencers. Each generation of youth, teens and young adults are the digital natives presented in media and news: Digital Natives ages 12 to 24 spend 4.5 hours a day viewing screen media (TV, Internet, Internet video, mobile video), excluding games that even have the ability to link to online

content  PBS  2010

These digital natives are connected in a way never imagined before and beyond the original range of the Internets design. There is a growing concern there should be a balance of consumers of tech and  producers of tech when discussing youth. Children and youth need to learn the value of a digital global perspective of the world, as I have  stated in blogs and PodCasts. Children are not the future consumers they are the

now consumers and the now and future influencers.

They influence the buying of their parents and family members when it comes to digital devices, Apps and accessories. Kids are telling parents what to buy, why they should buy it and how to use it. Then change the dynamics of tech to meet their needs. Teaching each generation that our world is influenced by thought leaders, digital visionaries, dreamers and seekers of

knowledge is important to direct their thinking in productive ways.

There is the danger of false doctrine, false information and radicalism in many areas on the Internet. Parents must be able to teach, model and investigate the accuracy and truth of content

their children consume.

The binary codes of programming languages that computers use is a language that needs to be understood to provide clarity on how they (computers) work and why computers do what

they do.

Kids and youth being the digital natives, innovators of today and the future need conferences like WordCamp and KidsCamp

to direct their engagement and development.

WordCamp and KidsCamp build a foundation of respect and awareness for the Internet beyond gaming and social butterflying. The fastest growing nations for KidsCamp and YouthCamp conferences are on the continents of Africa and Central America. WordCamp conferences in Central America in 2019 are increasing with WordCamp Nicuquagua and Costa Rica of Central America,

they both have a KidsCamp in development.

Even in Calgary, Canada with WordCamp YYC has an engaging and fun KidsCamp. Africa will have KidsCamp Harare, KidsCamp Lagos, KidsCamp Entebbe and WordCamp PortHarcourt and


Parents need to take advantage of these opportunities to encourage their children to attend events and networking opportunities. Exposure to critical and higher order thinking learning that is happening. Youth and teens future career choices are influenced to help develop the tech visionaries that each nation will need to grow their

economies in new and diverse directions.

WordCamp Orlando 2018

Upcoming, current and future Word and KidsCamp
United States
WordCamp and KidsCamp Miami, Florida
WordCamp and KidsCamp Jacksonville, Florida
WordCamp and KidsCamp Orlando, Florida
WordCamp Atlanta, Georgia
WordCamp and KidsCamp Calgary, Alberta Canada
Central America
WordCamp and KidsCamp Costa Rica
WordCamp and KidsCamp Nicuquagua
WordCamp and KidsCamp Entebbe
WordCamp Lagos Nigeria
WordCamp PortHarcourt

William is the digital innovator for his brand My Quest To Teach using the hashtag #MyQuestToTeach sharing his journey teaching,  mentoring,

community activism and community collaborations.

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