Tweet Up with the Prime minister Uganda

3 Min Read

July 28, 2012 By specialguest

A couple of weeks ago I decided to participate in a tweet up with the Prime minister of Uganda.The tweet up was organized by  Alan Kasujja(@kasujja) who’s the host of Uganda’s lead morning show on Captial FM .Well I wasn’t there physically but I was very active behind my computer here in Cape town ,South Africa.I learnt alot about my Prime minister , he doesn’t live in Uganda.

English: Amama Mbabzi, Prime Minister of Uganda (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For my primary school education, I was enrolled at Nakasero Primary school which was one of the first schools to implement the Universal Primary Education(U.P.E) which offers free education to kids.This scheme had the best intentions but add corruption to the equation ,its a complete diaster. In my school ,classes were full to capacity.Teacher to pupil ratio was insanely bad.Teachers were horribly paid.The good infrastructure from colonial times went to the dogs.Of course children started failing at insane rate.And the government decided to create another crazy scheme called Universal Secondary Education scheme because all the kids from UPE were failing to make to secondary school .

In the tweet up , I  presented the issue  to the prime minister in a tweet, the response I got is Ugandans should count themselves lucky to even see a class or get any of education of some sort.When he was asked why MPs were asleep at the budget review ,his answer was the air conditioning was down.

I do appreciate the people who initiated this tweet up and the Prime minsiter willing to participate however our Prime minister of Uganda has to realize its not 1986 and it 2012 .He needs to give to give us the truth rather than make an appearance .

If you would like to see more on the tweet up ,follow the hast tag  #AskThePM

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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