African diaspora at work- A school and clean water for Ruhanga SW Uganda

2 Min Read

In these photos is part of the story of what African diaspora can do when to impact development. Ruhanga is a remote village in SW Uganda and until recently had no running water and the local children especially those under 8 had no access to water. Having been introduced to the village by Ann McCarthy, I got work and in the early days that involved bringing a group of African diaspora women like Grace and Emang to help of and we set up a charity

 Let Them Help Themselves Out Of Poverty– is a UK registered charity no. 1127387

As they say the rest is history

This photo shows the typical day for a woman in Ruhanga SW Uganda. She works the land until mid-day, children in tow, she then has to carry water and food back to the house to cook meals for the household

School play ground under construction

What started off as a nursery school is now a school that provides education to 280 children through a sponsorship programme and Willy Nsubuga Mutenza a Uganda diaspora sponsors 5 of those children

These are some of the children from the school trying out the newly installed water

village children trying out the new water supply

this is Isaac one of the boys from the school

Tour around the village and the water source

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