
1001 Articles

Last word on Cecil the lion

Now that the international brouhaha over the death of Cecil the lion…

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Why Malaria is a good thing for Africa

Image via Wikipedia It is Malaria Day and we wouldn’t want want…

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Why is It So Difficult to End Racial Marginalization in the United States?

Why is it so difficult to end racial marginalization in the United…

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Rape is NOT tradition and marriage is NOT slavery

Over the last few months there seems to be a surplus of…

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Wholly Week

In the ritual rhythms of the Christian church, we have reached the…

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To See, To Speak, To Live

An old proverb declares, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”…

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African Culture and the individual

A few months ago my workmates asked to visit me….at my place.…

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African Warrior females who conquered continents!

Africa had and still has in certain parts of the continent ultimate…

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The dynamics of an African family

“The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people”…

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Garissa Killings: A Product of Impunity

This past week, 147 students were deprived of their God-given rights to life and…

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