Black Lives Matter with Digital Innovation and Creativity

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WordCampCR in Costa Rica Central America WordCamp Orlando 2019 WPJax Kids Meetup  Aida and William teaching KidsCamp Orlando 2013 I was sharing the value of all of these areas in Duval County Public Schools in elementary education as a teacher and the value of Black contributions in our global economies as contributors not just consumers.  Youth, teens and young adults need to understand they have value as creators, innovators,

thought leaders and influencers.

As an HBCU graduate of South Carolina State
University we were taught that #BlackLivesMatter with Digital Innovation, Creativity and Exploration

as tech was expanding opportunities for Blacks
and Latinx communities.

For many enrolling in HBCU institutions was their first exposure to using and applying technical knowledge, learning valuable skill-sets and seeing professionals in technical careers. Technology was not just a vocational career, there is serious money that can be made and leadership


Through digital engagements on platforms like LinkedIn Black and Latinx professionals could share their talents, skills, educational and professional backgrounds while building PLC – Personal Learning

Communities and PLN – Professional Learning Networks.

Listen to our discussion about Blacks and Latinx and CSTREAM the next level is with space exploration

with  SpaceX , how can we get more youth, teens and

young adults involved.

NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration has embraced diversity, inclusivity, gender acceptance, generational growth with increased programs that

help them.

Taylor Richardson a resident in Jacksonville, Florida and wonderful role model for youth, especially youth of color attended Space Camp in Alabama and continues to work towards being an astronaut to be the first person to walk on Mars Taylor – is a local, national and international advocate for


Blacks In Technology with William Jackson

Blacks In Technology Interview Listen with a purpose!!

Building STEAM Leaders of Color and Culture

Blacks In Technology Black Enterprise Magazine
#hbcu #hbcualumni #hbcugrad #hbcuprepared #digitalinnovation #socialmedia #digitalcreativity #bloggingwhilebrown #bwb

William is the digital innovator for his brand My Quest To Teach using the hashtag #MyQuestToTeach sharing his journey teaching,  mentoring,

community activism and community collaborations.

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