Business Perspectives on Social Media and SoLoMoCo

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Business Perspectives on Social Media and SoLoMoCo

William Jackson, MQTT

William Jackson, M.Ed. Educator, Blogger, Content Creator

WordCamp – Speaker, Volunteer, Organizer

A dynamic and engaged opportunity to understand Brandingand finding your Niche as a business owner; the foundation of understanding the value of digital content in relation to

business and entrepreneurs.

Applying the So-Lo-Mo-Co ConceptsSo-social Lo-local Mo-mobile Co-community uses of SocialMedia platforms and tools to share content and collaborate ion dynamic and engaged projects. Business owners should be engaged with their communities using digital platforms that are not just used for profits, but to apply digital tools to build relationships and influence the thinking of the community. Engagement is key, not to changethe perspectives of the community, but to empower thecommunity to see what changes need to be made and providing the resources to create necessary social, economic and educational improvements so everyone can


Wireless communication infrastructures are important to build connections that open collaborations and create connections for social, educational and economic activism. Building a Brand and creating a Niche for business mindedyouth, teens and young adults. Communities are only as stable and strong as the generations coming up. Thecommunity only grows with the talents and availability ofyouth, teens and young adults. The issue with many communities of color is that when children of color reach some level of success they want to leave their

communities instead of staying and contributing.

Social activism in bringing people together for economic empowerment and building the I and E of Individual Entreprenurialism. Branding and finding that Niche to connect with to establish a digital footprint that is relevant

and realistic.

Community workshops are important because they willshow that people of color have a vision for their communitiesof color. Offering opportunities to teach, mentor, guide and

empower others.

Malcolm X stated,“We are not fighting for integration, nor are we fighting for separation. We are fighting for recognition as human beings…In fact, we are actually fighting for rights that are even greater than civil rights and that is human rights.”

Malcolm X (Black Revolution)

The rights to influence the community on a path of growth,productivity, inclusion in the economic and political process. People of color need to learn to be influencers of color so theycan increase the opportunities in their communities and bringabout a mental change of elevation and stability in growth

economically, educationally and even environmentally.

How many opportunities do African American youth, teens young adults see men and women participate in national and international events that do not include sports? The careers ofthe 21st and 22nd century are here, but kids need exposure

and opportunities.

If children only see one side of the story they will only stay onthat one side. If children only see others that look like them aslabours, lower educated and lower economic status manywill accept this a the norm and not try to improve their


Applying So – Social awareness to change in the communityusing digital technologies can reach people and make those connections. Lo – Local engagement is important because of the influences of sponsoring, promoting and gaining the attention of the community. Mo – Mobile technologiesthat are growing and adapting for people of color and culture. To continue to build digital infrastructures that encourage young minds to enter into STEAM careers and grow beyondtheir current situations. Co – Communitiesneeds to see people of color that are successful, growing,educated, employed and engaged in learning and economic


William is the digital innovator for his brand My Quest To Teach using the hashtag #MyQuestToTeach sharing his journey teaching,  mentoring,

community activism and community collaborations.

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