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It Is High Time Tanzania Destroyed Its Ivory Stockpile

After the election of John Pombe Magufuli as president, a number of…

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Nigeria: Healthcare and Health Tourism

Nigeria needs no introduction-it is a Federal Constitutional Republic and it’s Federal…

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Africa: A continent Of Many Contrasts

A recent study carried out by the Economic Commission For Africa and…

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Zimbabwe: Desperate for Good News

As a Zimbabwean, you know good news about the country is very…

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Bojo Beach Resort, Accra, Ghana: Part 2

I mentioned in my post on Bojo Beach Resort, Accra, Ghana: Part…

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Why are Africans the Only Ones Paying Prohibitive Visa Fees?

I have often wondered why Africans pay so much for visa but…

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Give Us Free: Why Talking About Race is Still Necessary (Part 1)

2013 has certainly been a jam packed year as far as race…

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Adventures on a rickshaw – an African woman’s journey through north India

For over a decade I have been fascinated with India. Perhaps it…

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Oxfam: Lets Rebrand Africa

January 8, 2013 By IdaHorner Lake Bunyonyi Kabale SW Uganda African  stereotypical…

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A musing on David Camerons trip to India and its implications for Africa

August 3, 2010 By specialguest As someone with a passing interest in…

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