Diversity InTechnology – Empowering Marginalized People in Tech Businesses

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Diversity InTechnology – Empowering Marginalized People in Tech Businesses
William Jackson, M.Ed.

Diversity In Tech Panel

WordCamp Asheville 2020 was virtual that year, but that did not dampen its importance on the panel discussing diversity in technology and technology businesses increasing their opportunities for marginalized people in tech careers. The panel assembled with national experts that included Aida Correa-Jackson of Jacksonville, Florida, a seasoned speaker in local, national and international technology conferences. Ms. Correa then and now Mrs. Aida Correa-Jackson since

December 12th 202o shared her experiences as a woman of color,

being Afro-Latina and how her presence at technology conferences

inspires other women over 50, women of color and Latina women.

Mrs. Jackson shares that the growing number of potential homeless women are women over 50 because they are lacking tech skills that younger employees come with and can be paid much less than women that have been employed close to 30 years. When women over 50 are let go from their careers they are challenged to find new employment opportunities because of age, cost of insurance

for them and their families and many times the lack of tech skills.

The panel invited Aisha Adams of Equity Over Everything, Joe A. Simpson, Jr a respected WordCamp organizer, speaker and community advocate of WordPress and Sarah Benoit, the moderator of the panel. WordPress is one of the most affordable and accessible web development platforms for people interested in diverse fields of technology. Careers in areas of web development, coding, graphic design, development,

Search Engine Optimization and other areas are available.

WordPress is growing in the mission to invite youth, teens and young adults to participate not just as attendees, but in roles as speakers, volunteers and even organizers. The participation of teens and young adults has helped them start their own technology

businesses and entrepreneurial opportunities.

The new opportunities open doors for those of color, culture, indigenous backgrounds and marginalized communities to have more opportunities in multiple fields of technology. They are demanding a “seat at the tables” of tech companies and changes in accepting diversity as a natural evolution not as a hindrance. WordCamps are a real-life showcase of the growing diversity in the field of tech, people of diverse backgrounds are welcomed, more work needs to be done to get marginalized and indigenous

people involved in technology and STREAM careers.


A deeper understanding of what diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) needs to be understood to make transformative change. There is a growing demand for making technology and STREAM

careers more inclusive and influential.

There are strategies being created for building steps in making WordPress, technology, and business communities more inclusive with diversity of color, culture, gender and generation. It does not mean just adding more people of color in tech positions it means putting in place steps to build people of color in more leadership roles and positions of influence and ability to make changes in personnel. Technology companies need to look like the people of this nation, diverse with Black, Brown and the

hues of the life.

Some of the questions asked during the panel; Why are diverse voices and experiences critical to the health of our communities and businesses? What challenges do underrepresented groups face? How can we ensure lasting change in our WordPress, technology and home communities? How can Black and Brown communities get more Internet access

and tech in the hands of youth?

WordCamp Ashville

These are pressing questions that can create life changes and influence relationships in technology businesses. Aida Correa- Jackson, Aisha Adams, and Joe Simpson, along with moderator Sarah Benoit, together represent close to 90 years of combined experience levels related in business, education and community

engagement. Each are seasoned WordCamp speakers.

These are tough questions in tough times that many corporations and organizations are struggling with. People of color and culture, marginalization and indigenous are seeking increased equality and equitability in tech careers that offers responsibility, leadership,

influence and outreach in communities.

Aida Correa-Jackson

Aida Correa-Jackson, a Jacksonville resident has experiences working with youth, teens and young adults that cross-multiple cultural backgrounds and ages. She is part of the WPJax Kids Meetup for WordPress that integrates STREAM and web


She will be speaking at multiple technology conferences across the States and globally. She represents the beauty and influence of diversity in technology and how this inclusivity benefits all businesses.

To hear the panel discussion https://lnkd.in/dpVrfku

William is the digital innovator for his brand My Quest To Teach using the hashtag #MyQuestToTeach sharing his journey teaching,  mentoring,

community activism and community collaborations.

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