Don’t Throw Digital Shade On Your Praise and the Great Commission

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Leaders of Let The Bible Speak TV

Don’t Throw Digital Shade On Your Praise and the Great Commission William Jackson, M.Ed.

Knowing the difference between speaking with and from authority.

The fulfillment of the “Great Commission” is still the primary mission of Christians in the Church of Christ. Sharing the Word of God to a world that is lost, a world that is not listening to the voice of God and still embracing the pleasures of sin and a sinful


It is not easy being a Christian and following Christ, no one said that is would be easy to be a Christian, we are constantly tempted with visual elements that tempt us, sounds that create distractions and even people that question our lives as Christians. When we communicate online we are barraged by profanity, vulgarity and fake likes and loves. Christians have a choice to be involved or to ignore, to teach through our words, deeds and actions that if being a follower of Christ means leaving these real and digital worlds

that we can and we should.

People in our families, our friends, the loves of our lives and even those in our past that occasionally stop by to reflect on the past and not celebrate our current will try to make us question why we chose to follow Christ. We would think that those who love us would be pleased with our determination to live a Christ filled life, but many times those that profess to love us, disappoint us and try to distract us. They question our walks, talks and mission to share our faith. To talk about the re-birth of our souls and the re-focus to help

save others.

M George – Baptising

Matthew 28:19–20 the Great Commission: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Jesus gave this command to the apostles shortly before He ascended into heaven, and it essentially outlines what Jesus expected the apostles and those who followed them to do in

His absence.

Several thousand  years later people are still struggling with their actions, deeds and thinking to follow Christ and to perform the “Great Commission.” Many people struggle with just sharing their faith, but it is interesting how people can share their personal life stories with strangers, but cannot

share the glory of the Lord.

Evangelist Mbaihondoum and George 

Evangelist Wabomba George recently shared his faith with a young man in Africa, they studied together, read together and spoke about life, living and sharing their love for the Lord. That day Anthony accepted Christ into his life and was baptized.

It did not take a Facebook message, it did not take an Instagram photo or video and it did not take winning at a video game, it took a conversation and compassion to save souls and keep souls saved by evangelist Wabomba. He speaks with authority with his studying, praying and applying to Word of God. Just as evangelist Enoch as well that does the works of the Lord.

How many have had just a conversation about their faith, their life with Christ to inspire others to accept Christ. Rest assured it is not by our power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to use us to save others. Even in the 21st century the infusion of technology helps in spreading the Word of God, drawing attention to the scriptures and the importance of the path to salvation. Bringing the gospel to the lost and even the un-lost, but those wondering where do they fit in the kingdom of God and if they will be accepted

as a sinner.

The innovation of technology opens new doors for discipleship, fellowship and sharing the message of what it means to be saved and how to be saved. Sharing the joy of fellowship, the works of discipleship and the power of accepting the Holy Spirit in our lives and allowing the Holy Spirit to

leads us and direct our words.

Christ has stated it is not what goes into our bodies that defiles us, but what comes out of our bodies. Matthew 16 to 18-20 shares the words of Christ. 16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but

eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

Social media can either help us with our biblical studies or distract us in our learning and growing. Christians must be focused, determined, dedicated and allowing the Holy Spirit to use them. Being on Social Media does not mean anything if the Lord does not come first. If we are slandering, blaspheming, spreading rumors, lies, profanity and false information this defiles our presence

with the Lord.

No matter the platform whether Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat and even Tik Tok or other digital platforms and tools of digital expression and purpose. Innovation can reach those that need to hear the Word of God, but God needs to come first not our personnel grandeur and personal attractions to our perceived self-worth. God sees our hearts even as we use our

mice and keyboards to share content.

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

“Don’t Throw Digital Shade On Your Praise”
William Jackson, M.Ed.

NetCasters Buseck, 2010 “Innovation is not a replacement to obedience, but can be another way to reach people seeking and

hungering for a relationship with God.”

Christians can apply technology in a form of welcoming others to learn about the Lord and to read, study, embrace and accept on their levels of understanding and comprehension. Scripture can so easily be shared on platforms of social engagement, racial importance, political expediency to address the needs of the people,

and even how races are expected to treat each other.

The “Great Commission” does not say, “Therefore go to certain areas that only have white people and make disciples of all nations, baptizing only whites in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching only whites to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with only whites,

to the very end of the age.”

The “Great Commission” does not say, “Therefore go to certain areas that only have republican people and make disciples of all states of the United Sates, baptizing only republicans in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching only republicans to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with only republicans, to the

very end of the age.”

Our technology in some ways limits our perceptions and limits our incites to connecting with the Lord. Our connection in spirit and in truth, not in how many likes we gain, not how many followers we have and not how many shares and re-shares we have. Our salvation is not based on the numbers we gain, it not based on how many times our content goes viral, it is what is in our hearts that define us that

comes out our mouths.

Going out into the neighborhoods, communities, cities, states, nations and globally to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through us with authority and conviction just as the apostles did in Acts. Speaking with “authority” is important. Christ spoke from authority because he knew what was real!! Jesus spoke the sermon on the mound and he spoke from authority because

he had the authority.

We need to understand the difference even today when you speak with or from authority. Your knowledge that you gain from study, prayer, comprehension and reading allows us to speak with authority. Jesus is the Lord so he and the Holy Spirit speak from authority because they are the authority. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak through us is what we should do so the Holy Spirit can speak from authority to save

souls and keep souls saved.

Our study, comprehension, reading help us to speak with authority because of our knowledge and not the connection with the Lord and the Holy Spirit. When Christ speaks and the Holy Spirit speak through us they speak from authority. The words have authority because they come from

the source.

The “Great Commission” is our Lord’s command to take the gospel to every person throughout the world and to make disciples in all nations. It involves building and multiplying disciples in all nations so that they can saturate their nations with the Good News of Christ and train other disciples to do the same generation after generation through the process of spiritual multiplication and

magnification of the love of the Lord.

When we go on the Internet we have to remember Christ did not commission us to Christianize all nations; Telling the nations of the world to be a Christian, He called us to disciple and evangelize them. Our responsibility is to preach and teach Christ’s dynamic gospel; it is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility to make our witness effective. With the responsibility that Christ also gave

us everything necessary for success.

Relying on Christ even when typing in Facebook, even when posting a photo in Instagram and uploading a video on YouTube. Be careful when claiming authority because it

my throw shade on your praise.

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Let The Bible Speak TV shares the word of God by evangelists and teachers at 8:30pm African time and Eastern Standard Time


Every Sunday Evang. ENOCH MBAIHONDOUM {Rep of Chad} Every Wednesday Teacher  WILLIAM JACKSON {USA Florida} Every Friday Evang. WABOMBA GEORGE Ugandan {In Nigeria} Let The Bible Speak TV

William is the digital innovator for his brand My Quest To Teach using the hashtag #MyQuestToTeach sharing his journey teaching,  mentoring,

community activism and community collaborations.

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