My vision of Africa in 2063

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 Talks about the Africa we want have commenced, the Africa I believe we need is yet to come. In 50 years from the year 2015, Africa will have transformed and this is my vision of Africa from the perspective of a young woman in 2063.

Our children play and cheer joyously in the streets with no fear, no longer challenged and confined by mysterious abductions. We are the citizens of Africa. Safe and secure, no longer afraid to send our children to school, for we know they are protected in their neighbourhoods. We live in peaceful societies and though petty crime still lingers, justice has brought harmony, thus our children salute and rejoice in the Africa that has become.

The youth spoke, the youth fought, the youth were heard and today we give tribute in the Africa they have made. We are emancipated young people, financially independent to support our children, families and give back into the uplifting of our communities. Our youth is employed and empowered, changing lives and transforming societies every day of their lives.

Everyone has and understands the right to sexuality, to be free from the grounds of discrimination and sexual orientation, thus our girls and women, boys and men walk freely side-by-side unruffled by gender malevolent crimes. 

Citizens of different nations gather in common grounds. We dance, sing and cheerfully celebrate our freedom together, bigotry and injustice is no more.

We are free, we are safe, we are protected

Our farms reap fresh crops which seasons the usual harvest, thus our women produce and process, manufacture and export with our brothers and sisters in neighboring and afar countries. We reaped what we sowed and our lands have grown, in trade we explored and through agriculture Africa continues to thrive.

Women are in political and leadership structures, power imbalances have diminished and women govern economies with boldness. Long have we spoken but today, empowered we are.

Our mothers give birth to healthy newborns; no longer do we worry if they will live for an hour or a day after they bring life into the world, for indeed they live.

Husbands and men safeguard our women and children thus our boys are well groomed, girls well educated and together they strive and build empires, equally.

Gender based violence, female genital mutilation, early and forced child marriage and other harmful traditional practices which oppressed before, are now a thing of the past.

Equality reigns

Our heritage is restored and our pride in our land has been renewed, we are citizens of Africa. Christians, Muslims, Jews and all religions and races have made peace, reconciliation has solidified the chains of harmony and war is no more.
Thus new cities have been built on hard soil, infrastructure is ameliorated, electricity, clean water and proper sanitation is for all a just need.

Our domicile and means of transportation has changed, through we feared we were living on a ticking time bomb in the past decades, we persevered and thus have prospered. Fresh air we breathe and all that is on earth still lives.

Johannesburg and Abuja are now the leading cities in Africa and economies share in their development, advanced technology and it’s meticulously modernized architecture. Slums, rural areas and townships have old-fangled, no sign of such buildings remains. Our schools are amongst the best in the continent, our universities amongst the best in the world. Education our pride, education our light through which we learn, we apply and thus we succeed.

 In 2063, Africa is graciously developing and South Africa is a developed country.

Governments have changed, Public servants have served and Our leaders  passed on the baton to the deserving young who have together played their part. Generation after generation Africa has grown and today – year 2063 – Africa lives, Africa breathes and indeed, Africa leads.

Africa my continent, Africa my pride, Africa my home.

Zanele Mabaso is an ardent advocate for the global youth community, with primary interest in sexual reproductive health, education and economic empowerment of young women and girls in Africa. A member of the World Economic Forum: Global Shapers Community, Tshwane Hub in South Africa and One Young World Ambassador, Zanele is determined to lead were governed for the liberation and Human Rights Representation of women around the world. She is the Global Ambassador for ILive2Lead International and strongly believes that exceptional young women leaders need to take the authority of being free – to inspire, motivate and lead those who are not as privileged. She is inspired by the outlook on the future of the African Child and considers Africa – Home.

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