Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill

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January 2, 2014 By Daniel Kawuma

As a result of the anti-pornography and anti-homosexuality Bills recently passed by Uganda’s Parliament banning women from wearing miniskirts and clothing deemed to be sexually explicit– and … [Read more…]

January 30, 2013 By IdaHorner

Human rights are universally recognized moral guarantees that should be protected by everyone. The essay considers whether human rights are a western idea or are capable of transcending culture … [Read more…]

July 17, 2012 By Saran Kaba

.     Every year, I try to take advantage of both the African and Human Rights Watch Film Festivals. This summer I went to see the New York premiere of a documentary entitled Call … [Read more…]

May 18, 2011 By specialguest

The Editor of this blog received the email below- we do not know if it is authentic  but we thought we would publish it anyway   From: Yoweri Museveni … [Read more…]

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