Who are the Africans in our end of year Sin Bin?

5 Min Read

December 28, 2012 By specialguest

This is our “Sin Bin” post and it is about those individuals and or institutions that have  done something that caused suffering in Africa during the course of the year.

Amama Mbabazi (Photo Creit: The Promota)

Amama Mbabzi – Office of the Prime Minister Uganda – £10 million given to Uganda for the purpose of peace recovery projects inNorthern Uganda ended up in the private accounts of officers working in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Consequently the EU’s aid programme as well as other bilateral assistance to Uganda by several European countries were suspended causing real hardship for the poorest in the country. Uganda is one of the least developed countries in Africa, Northern Uganda has especially lagged behind the rest of the country due to the civil war that ran for nearly 26 years. In stealing funds meant to help the people of this region the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister tops our list of those who have spectacularly sinned against Africa.

Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa at the Opening Plenary on Africa and the New Global Economy at the World Economic Forum on Africa 2009 in Cape Town, South Africa, June 10, 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jacob Zuma – President of South Africa: He was supposed to be the change for good, now even his own deputy is challenging him for the top job. And here is what one South African had to say

There is just so much bad to put forward for South Africa and at the head of it all in so many issues is President Jacob Zuma. I’m spoiled for choice to find one thing worse than all the others because each attests to his poorer nature.

Robert Mugabe – President of Zimbabwe: Enough said is what one Zimbabwean said.

Photo from VOA News

Dadis Camara was supposed to only be interim President in Guinea a few years back and ended up getting too comfy with his new found power (surprise, surprise). Next thing you know, one of his own men tried to shoot him. He’s still the laughing stock in Guinea

Jason Russell: (Photo credit – The justlife)

Although this post was meant to be about Africans that have sinned against Africa, one of our readers (@otimMichael) felt this list would not be complete without Jason Russell and Invisible Children. Russell and his NGO Invisible Children put out a video, aptly called Kony 2012, about the infamous warlord – Joseph Kony, that went viral. Thing is, Russell and his chums got their facts wrong.

Africa on The Blog exists to tell the story of Africa by Africans and as such guard against people like Jason Russell, who put out stories about Africa without any due regard for Africans.

King Mswati III. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

King MsWati of Swaziland makes it onto this list for treating women as objects. A law has been passed in Swaziland making it illegal for women to wear mini skirts or tight and revealing clothing. The reason mini skirts  provoke rape

As one of our contributors said

This is mental! I honestly think a man has to be really sick to give mini-skirts as a reason for raping someone. And it actually disrespects real men, making the assumption that men well and truly are animals without self-control? Doesn’t this make you angry?

What’s worse, the police spokesperson dishing out the new law is a woman. Wendy-Hleta

Wendy-Hleta (Photo Credit: Times of Swaziland)

Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta and Ruto

Uhuru Kenyatta (L) and William Ruto (R) were on opposite sides in the 2007 poll photo credit: BBC News

They have been summoned to the ICC at The Hague to answer charges of inciting the post-election violence that rocked Kenya in 2007/2008, leaving at least 1000 dead and many more displaced even to date. And yet with charges still pending, they have the audacity to run for president in next March’s election!

Have we missed anyone off this list? If so who and why?

If you have any questions, please post them below…

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