
1001 Articles

Sharing Ideas to Build African Content Creators

Sharing Ideas to Build African Content CreatorsWilliam Jackson, M.Ed. The continued growth…

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Maximising Africa’s Agribusiness potential through awareness and involvement

Starting a business is hard. What could even be harder is starting…

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Is Africa a country?

Is Africa a country? That is a question that can be answered…

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Africa’s Potential Is In Its’ Youth and Teen Entrepreneurs

Africa’s Potential Is In Its’ Youth and Teen Entrepreneurs William Jackson, M.Ed.…

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African diaspora & community organizing

Picture courtesy of Nhial Chut On June 8th, all roads in the…

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Leadership: What’s age got to with it?

One of the recurring issues on Malawi’s political scene, at least from…

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“Invictus”: A parody dedicated to the people of Zimbabwe

Invictus is a poem by William Ernest Henley. The poet, whose life…

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Digital Rights, Internet Accessibility, and Affordability in Malawi – Part 1

22 years after the establishment of the country’s first Internet Service Provider…

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Bamboo improves the lives of women in Uganda

Women Weavers in Kisoro SW Uganda After several trails with my clients through Echuya Bamboo…

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When will the peoples of Africa get the right to self determination?

Almost everybody will have heard about the right ho self-determination. It is…

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