
1001 Articles

Minority Businesses Attend Conferences and Meetups To Grow

Aida and William Minority Businesses Attend Conferences and Meetups To Grow William…

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Dynamic African Stories Are Relevant

Based on the presentation of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Nigerian author) through TED…

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Trevor Noah on being African and Duality of Identity.

What does it mean to be African? Trevor Noah on the Daily…

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Parents Check Your Children’s Phone for Sexting and Cyberbullying

As high speed Internet access is gained more and more in Africa, parents…

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How Can Mobile Money Enhance the Access of Unbanked People to the Money Transfer Market?

Over the past few years, the financial services sector has shown a…

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Making WordCamp Conferences Fun and Inviting for Kids with KidsCamp

The attending kids at KidsCamp Orlando, Florida (16) ages 7 to 12 participated…

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African Content Creators Learn Beyond SEO and Google to Build Their Brands

WordCamp Harare – Youth Camp – Future African Content Developers African Content…

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What is STEAM and Why It Needs to be in KidsCamp

KidsCamp Orlando 2018 Organizers William Jackson and Aida Correa What is STEAM…

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African and Over 50 Silver Surfers Growing

African and Over 50  Silver Surfers Growing William Jackson, M.Ed. WordCamp Blogger,…

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Nigerian Lives Matter: The Pain of Nigerians in South Africa in the Brewing Electoral Tension & CJN removal

There’s a moment of decision in every man’s life. Like the man…

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