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EU-Africa Relations

The Europe-Africa relationship has evolved over 50 years   and has been…

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Black porters in Uganda’s Tourism Industry; Service provision or colonialism?

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Uganda- Porters carrying tourists This photo of porters…

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The Thin Line Between Autism and Witchcraft in Cameroon

In the cradle of our ancestors, Cameroon, autism is an unappreciated reality…

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African-Caribbean Links: Is it just about skin colour?

I came across an interesting forum discussion a while ago where the…

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African Content Creators Creating A Digital Standard of Storytelling on the Web

African Content Creators Creating A Digital Standard of Storytelling on the Web…

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The emotive (and inconclusive) Rhodes debate

Some 15 years ago, one militant nationalist demanded that Cecil John Rhodes’…

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Advancements in Audio Technology Will Influence Ministries

Advancements in Audio Technology Will Influence MinistriesWilliam Jackson, M.Ed.Podcast “My Quest To…

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Hate the player! Hate the Game!

Don’t hate the player, hate the game. That’s what they say. An…

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Do You Know What You’re Doing On Social Media – God Does

Do You Know What You’re Doing On Social Media – God Does…

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Obama and Trump: What Black Nationalists and White Supremacists Get Wrong

Black nationalists and White supremacists have several mistaken ideas about politics in the…

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