WordCamp Entebbe Messages of Thanks

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These are messages of Thanks from the ICT Students that attended WordCamp Entebbe.

Nuwarimpa Victor – WordCamp Entebbe UgandaMar 19, 2023, 8:08 AMStudents IT Club of Uganda

Web site: https://studentsitclub.org/

Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nuwarimpa-victor

Dear Mr. Jackson,

I hope this letter finds you well.I am writing to express my gratitude for sponsoring me and my fellowstudents to attend the WordCamp in Entebbe. It was an experience of a

lifetime, and we couldn’t have done it without your support.

The WordCamp (Entebbe, Uganda) was a two-day event that took place atthe Uganda Wildlife Educational Center. It was attended by webdevelopers, bloggers, and WordPress enthusiasts from different partsof the country (of Uganda, Africa). As you know, WordPress is apowerful content management system used to create websites, blogs,

and online stores.

Attending the WordCamp gave us an opportunity to learn how to
install and use WordPress to create professional websites.

On the first day of the WordCamp, we arrived at the venue early in themorning, eager to learn. The organizers had set up several tents, eachhosting different workshops and presentations. We immediately signed upfor the beginners’ workshop, which focused on how to set up a WordPresswebsite from scratch. The workshop was facilitated by experienced webdevelopers who explained the different features of WordPress, includinghow to choose a domain name, select a hosting service, and install WordPress.We were amazed at how easy it was to set up a website using


After the beginners’ workshop, we attended several other presentations andworkshops, including The power of storytelling, how to start freelancing,and many others. The speakers were knowledgeable and passionate aboutWordPress, and they gave us valuable insights into how to create professional

websites using WordPress.

Apart from the workshops and presentations, we also had an opportunity tointeract with other attendees, including web developers, bloggers, andWordPresser. We met people from different parts of the country, and wemade new friends and connections. We also had a chance to network withstudents from Elite secondary school, who were also attending the WordCamp.

We exchanged ideas and discussed our experiences with WordPress.

In conclusion, attending the WordCamp was a life-changing experience. We notonly learned how to use WordPress to create professional websites, but wealso made new friends and connections. We are grateful for your support,

which made it possible for us to attend the WordCamp.

Thank you once again for believing in us and supporting our education.

Sincerely,Nuwarimpa Victor


WordCamp is one of the most highly anticipated eventsof the year for bloggers and Word Pressers. This year,I was fortunate enough to attend Word Camp and it wasan incredible experience that I will never forget.I owe a special thanks to my sponsor and Mentor,

Mr. Jackson, for making it possible for me to attend.

The event was held in a beautiful conference center atUganda Wildlife Education Center (UWEC) in Entebbe,Uganda. There were hundreds of attendees, all gatheredtogether to share their passion for blogging and WordPress.The atmosphere was electric, with people from all walks oflife coming together to learn, network, and have fun at the

end of the day.

The keynote speakers were amazing, of which also ourPatron Mr. Dumba Stephen shared his insights and expertiseon creating an E-learning platform in Word Press. I wasparticularly inspired by Natukunda Maria who talked aboutthe importance of storytelling in blogging, which really hit

home for me as a writer.

Throughout the day, there were numerous breakout sessionsand workshops, I attended several sessions that were incrediblyinformative, and I came away with a wealth of new knowledgeand ideas to apply to my own blog and to create my own

business Website.

But the best part of WordCamp was the opportunity to connectwith other bloggers and Word Pressers. I met so many amazingpeople, each with their own unique perspective and story to tell.We shared our experiences, our challenges, and our triumphs,

and I left feeling energized and inspired.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without thegenerous support of my sponsor and also my mentor,Mr. William Jackson. He provided the financial backing thatallowed me to attend to the Word Camp Entebbe, and for that,I am incredibly grateful. Thanks to his support, I was able tolearn, grow, and connect with others in ways that will benefitme for years to come.In conclusion, attending Word Camp was an incredibleexperience, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who ispassionate about blogging and Word Press. And toMr. William Jackson, my sponsor, I offer my heartfelt thanks forhis support and generosity.

Without him, this experience would not have been possible.

Email; [email protected] – Twitter; @ndejjedmi

William Jackson (United States) is a Digital Innovator, Digital Evangelist and Content Creator. Sharing technology skills across Africa, especially with young Africans across the continent. William is a contributor to One Africa Forum, Nigerian Development HUB, Africa.com and Modern Ghana as a

respected columnist. A speaker for WordCamp and WordPress conferences.

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