African Bloggers Build Your Digital Influence During The Corona Pandemic

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African Bloggers Build Your Digital Influence During The Corona Pandemic
William Jackson, M.Ed. #myquesttoteach
Educator, STREAM Advocate

William Jackson, M.Ed., Educator, Blogger, Advocate for STREAM

History has shown that courageous people take advantage of situations that are chaotic and seem dire. The Corona Pandemic has created a chaotic time in the start of a new


Tech is providing ways to share information and creating opportunities for digital influencers to create influential content that has continental influences. The development of digital technologies designed to communicate globally are inspiring youth, teens and young adults in creating content  to increase digital growth that allows communication and content sharing across digital landscapes and borders

on the African continent.

African bloggers are creating PLN – Professional Learning Networks to share relevant, real and accurate content about the Corona Pandemic that is potentially saving lives and helping to prevent the spread of the virus sharing

social distancing strategies.

Content opportunities are building African creators at young ages to become informational digital influencers especially during the Corona Pandemic. The sharing of local, regional, community and national information are building knowledge leaders that allows communities to manage available information to take necessary steps to slow and in some cases potentially stop the spread. Technology is again showing the power and influence

of applied knowledge.

The world is a global platform for intellectual content, digital content is influencing Africans thinking in their purchasing behaviors, traveling decisions and how to better protect family and friends through this Pandemic. Governments are now seeing the value in having digital innovators managing digital infrastructures that share


So much is based on intellectual design and interpretation that even African governments are monitoring content from African bloggers, video bloggers, podcasters and photo

bloggers across the African continent.

Content creators like Mary Job – Twitter: @maryojob are taking leadership roles in developing, sharing and managing content in Africa and on Slack channels like WP Nigeria that supports intellectual design, digital development, web designers, educators, digital business owners, students

and entrepreneurs.

Africa has a solid resource of smart and creative people, African governments must provide their talented people opportunities to strengthen Africa’s infrastructure and communities access to information and resources to build their foundation of digital


Because travel is being stopped, digital information is being shared increasingly. African governments that have invested in their digital infrastructure have prepared their nations to function even when land and air travel has stopped, digital content still continues. That also means that African companies, business owners and entrepreneurs that are participating in digital environments will bounce back faster

than those that are not when COVID19 passes.

Even during the Corona Pandemic African governments in commerce, education, trade, innovative technologies and other areas should be looking how to make their telecommunication infrastructures robust, scalable and faster. When the Pandemic passes the jump of requests

to build stronger networks will be in demand.

African governments should start looking inward to hire Africans that are more than capable to manage data centers, web development, ecommerce and educators that can take

students to the next level of learning and engagement.

African parents are seeing that raising children in a digital age incorporates having access to online educational resources so children can continue to learn and prepare for the future. Online learning is in demand, but educators that are knowledgeable do not have the resources to educate with. Educational Secretaries across the continent should be planning on finding online curriculums that are accessible even through phones and tablets. Youth, teens and young adults anywhere that “hotspots” are available will have equal and equitable access to learning for

both girls and boys.

As a teacher of 32 years, teaching STEAM, Physical and Health Education and Social Media safety. There are great resources to build learning communities and intellectual concepts that students can use to build their career interests and become the future

digital innovators and leaders of their African nations.

The Corona Pandemic is awakening governments to the reality that digital access is valuable for economic stability and growth. Global communication has value in sharing information that can empower Africans to prepare for future challenges and struggles. Business leaders are leveraging their digital relationships to help predict future stability, the influence of monetary strength and how international markets are being affected. Social engagements share what consumers want and need so governments can see where the greatest needs are to provide resources to fight these situations of human

suffering that the Pandemic is creating.

Governments are being taught through these lessons that personnel should be in place and proactive to guard against future dangers beyond Ebola and other threats of viruses and biological and environmental threats. Even the possibility of weaponized viruses being used again. Technology is only as good as the people that use it and

how they apply to current and future foreseeable threats.

Africa is at a digital cross-roads for the future. Creating departments within the government to prepare for future challenges should be a priority as the world can see from the American example of weak and unprepared leadership, lack of communication guidelines and expert personnel that are not respected. The time is now to prepare for future potential epidemic and pandemic examples by educating African youth to be the professionals Africa will need now

and for the future.

William is the digital innovator for his brand My Quest To Teach using the hashtag #MyQuestToTeach sharing his journey teaching,  mentoring,

community activism and community collaborations.

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