LinkedIn Strategies for African Higher Education Students Prepare to Connect

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  • Showcase your knowledge on LinkedIn in areas that you’re majoring in and trying to gain entrance. Using microblogging, traditional blogging and even podcasting can help African students in higher education gain visibility on the continent and globally. 2. When listening to Podcasts find subject areas that you can connect with and potentially be a future guest so you can share statistics, data driven results and the scalability of information. Share this information on LinkedIn to broader audiences. 3. Do not allow impostor syndrome to stop you from sharing your knowledge. All it takes is a few minutes to attract followers and a few good observations. Show your confidence in your knowledge and use resources that verify your observations. 4. Show your value with the information you are sharing, regurgitate it with your spin that brings new attention to details and can be applied to a new audience. 5. Don’t short sell yourself, know your value and your worth. Be confident not arrogant. 6. Grow your connections over time. Do not try to grow your audience to fast or overnight. 7. Show interest of other people when reading content, instead of just posting content continuously read or view what others are posting and provide feedback. 8. Seek engagement, building relationships that build to friendships, partnerships for potentially future collaborations. 9. If you tag people make sure they will respond to you, and respond to them. Building a network takes time and many African students in higher education wait to long to start. 10. Be mindful of your content. Comment on what is trending try not to comment on old news. Trending in your area of study can build thought leadership chances.11. Have a list of people that will engage with you. Follow them and engage with content that promotes connections and collaborations. 12. When reading LinkedIn posts think about your replies before you reply to stay on the subject, not taking it to another direction. 13. African students should build their networks before graduation. It is easier to build a following slowly than to struggle in building a following with no strategies and no plan. 14. Put Hash Tags in your postings where appropriate to draw more attention to your content or others to expand more engagement. 15. LinkedIn should show what you revolve around, your interests, your ideologies and your future directions.16. Follow African instructors from other schools to share content and build your PLN and PLC – PLN Professional Learning Network and Professional Learning Communities. 17. Work to be a storyteller as well. People love to follow and engage with storytellers. 18. When sharing information about what is going on at your school be sure it is not centered around gossip, hearsay or third person mentioning and bashing of a persons reputation and professionalism. 19. Remember the purpose of LinkedIn to network and share content. 20. Don’t be afraid to follow other African instructors on LinkedIn on other campuses even if you are not taking their classes. Building a following by instructors can be used as reference material for future potential careers. Importantly study what others are doing on LinkedIn for business, education science, technology, human resources, humanitarian interests. Your knowledge can be valuable in the future and create a foundation where you are good reference in your

    field of study and passion.

    Prof. William Jackson, M.Ed
    Email: [email protected] Twitter: @wmjackson Blogging My Quest To Teach





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