“Parents What Do Your Kids See Online – Do You See The Same Thing”

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“Parents What Do Your Kids See Online – Do You See The Same Thing”
William Jackson, M.Ed.

William Jackson, M.Ed

African parents: children have been out of school and other events because of the pandemic. and have had idle time to explore web sites, use Apps and even chat more with their friends. A few words of caution and advice: have you checked your children’s browser safety ratings, updated antivirus software, cleared your cache/history and cookies on their computers? These are  things that should be performed on a regular schedule to protect digital

devices from malware, spyware, viruses and potential personal digital hacking.

A parent’s job any where in the world is to be diligent against harm and danger to their children physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and even digital lives. Just as each nations military protects from enemies both foreign and domestic, a parent’s job is to protect their homes from invasion and incursion even from the online digital environments that their children visit. Protecting children from

online pornography, violence and potential stalkers/predators.

The more African children use digital tools the more they maybe exposed to online materials that are not healthy mentally, emotionally and sexually. African children, youth, teens and young adults are being potentially exposed

to dangerous situations that can cause harm in many ways.

There was a time when parents could rest in the knowledge that their children were safe: no longer because children, teens and even young adults have been lured away from home, enticed to visit people they do not know to come to shopping centers and even playgrounds to meet people they

only think are their friends.

The growing number of children snatched and thrown into slave labor has grown, the dangers of child pornography have grown, sexting has grown. Much is because of the lack of teaching children how to behave online and how to keep safe. Giving youth, teens and young adults Smartphones is like giving a child car keys and letting them go with no training, no license

and no common sense and expected to think and act like an adult.

William Jackson, educator, speaker, volunteer

Millions of students have been using technology in good and bad ways, so African parents may have to educate themselves about what their children are doing. African schools are learning from tragic examples students from public, private and higher education have been online sites that are intended to lure them into situations where they are snatched. Their activities will range from chatting, watching YouTube videos, playing online games through gaming systems and sharing digital content. Terrorists groups across Africa are finding that tech and social media are platforms that can be used to easily attract both

girls and boys.

African governments are not aware of many sites that are either local or international that go after African children with empty and dangerous promises for food, better living conditions, high paying jobs and a better life. Because the government is not prepared they allow African

people to be victims of crime and even murder.

Just like American’s Facebook, Instagram, Tic Tok accounts and others are being used by more and more African children, youth, teens, and young adults. To be connected to be seen, to be admired and even temporarily respected and famous.  Many African parents are ignorant to their children’s online activities. Parents need to be concerned and cautious about all online activity and if they have suspicions always ask questions and check behind their children on their computers and phones.

How to Protect Your Child’s Phone:


The ease of accessing online pornography, sexual situations, vulgar language, and the potential to expose the family to sexual predators is a huge risk. Many parents openly acknowledge that they trust their children. I’m a teacher of over 30  years and ask parents do they know all their children’s friends? The answer is always a NO, so what about their friends that can influence online activities and influence with peer pressure to make other kids do things? All parents are not responsible and will not accept the accountability that comes with being a parent. So caution is needed and communication with children about digital expectations for online safety should be reinforced in

schools and churches as well.

African children have been taken, encouraged to sneak from homes and then raped (boys and girls), sold into prostitution, and even murdered. The dangers of online activities are real and relevant. These are life and death situations in a digital world that is growing with Artificial Intelligence, Voice Recognition, Facial Recognition and other new technologies that potentially

allow life to be more enjoyable and even safe.

Parents should not allow their children no matter their ages to have free unmonitored access to the Internet. Cyber-bullying, Sexting, Voyeurism, chat rooms hookups and video sex rooms are available

online; this is a reality not fantasy.

William Jackson teaching students at EWC

The title of this Blog: 
“Parents What Do Your Kids See Online – Do You See The Same Thing”
The Internet has given way to an ease of sites that contain information from pictures, video and multimedia that can influence children in either a destructive or constructive manner both psychologically and emotionally. Data from Inter@active Weekly and Newsweek (2010) shows that an estimated 10 million web sites have pornographic materials that kids have access too. 55% of all Internet porn activity occurs during 9am and 5pm and slightly increases as children transition to home from school. 62% of young Internet users admit to visiting sites containing sexual content, violence,

hate materials and offensive music.

African parents that earn more money have children that are more than likely downloading porn at home because of the availability of high speed Internet access. The dropping of Internet access prices has allowed more lower income homes to have higher speed access. Disturbingly a news studies has found that 3 in 5 kids online have received an invitation to engage in sexual encounters from chatting on Facebook and other Social Media sites. African children are prime examples of targets from

international countries because security it lacking or not at all.

African parents need to stay informed and educated about the dangers,
potential of abductions from online activities.

Community Brings People Together

Technology has progressed at such a rapid rate parents should question their children and friends on their online activities. If they don’t like the answers take action before you get surprised and are exposed to the dangers of online porn, violence and hatred. Action is education to learn together and share information with children. Not to scare them, but to keep them

safe and alive.

I have been teaching for over 30 years and during those years have spoken at conferences, workshops, seminars for youth, teens and young adults. It is important to continue to educate children about their access to sites and even their content they post because it can come back to either help them or hurt them in educational and career choices. Parents make sure you set high expectations for behaviors online and not to give out personal and private information. Not to leave home to visit strangers and even friends when dark or late. To be sure to text you when they arrive at their destinations and when they are returning


Parents follow your instincts and never assume what your children will not do. Remember the devastation of news that other parents experienced when given news about things they always said their children will not do. Remember how you were at your children’s ages. The world has changed in many ways, too many ways it has been bad, even though

there is good in the world.

Daddy and Daughter

Actions taken now can reduce or stop incidents later of heartbreak and worry. Be the parent your children need to be their first teachers so they

learn from you.

William is the digital innovator for his brand My Quest To Teach using the hashtag #MyQuestToTeach sharing his journey teaching,  mentoring,

community activism and community collaborations.

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