Part 2 – Clubhouse How to Share Your Content Experiences on Clubhouse

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Part 2 Clubhouse – How to Share Your Content Experiences
on Clubhouse

As educators of STEM, STEAM and STREAM I encourage in the rooms that I speak in to develop relationships and follow those that share interests, goals and passions. When you enter rooms you feel the energy in the discussions, you hear the passion of those that share their, and you see

the potential of the future.

Sunflower Trust students

  1. Write as if the world is going to view your content that represents you and your passions. People should want to

    join you on

your digital journey when your writing content. Voice apps extend written blogs. 2. When blogging take the time to read, review, rewrite, and revise what you have written. Grammar and spelling count as they match with your audio content. 3. Incorporate different media from diverse authors so  you can reflect upon your writing direction, developing your audience and direction. 4. Reflection is important, it is vital to think on your digital journey and consider your desired results. What is your mission and vision for your content? 5. Embrace the diversity of the world, it expands your ability to connect and engage with the diversity of your audience and grows your reach. 6. Attend conferences that allow for sharing of ideas and concepts. No content creator is an island to themselves, you should attend conferences, workshops and seminars both virtual and in-person. 7. When creating remember your building relationships with others on a global scale. 8. Read writers that you respect and admire, this inspires your creativity and literary growth. Reading is fundamental to academic and professional growth. 9. Storytelling paints a picture, use words that encourage the imagination and inspire consistent content development. 10. When creating content understand that creating is a

process, the more you write (create) the better you get.

African Continent

  1. Don’t be afraid to submit your writings to newspapers, magazines and online to be published and expand your

    digital influence.

  2. Keep your passion and excitement about your writing,

    it is an extension

of who you are. 13. Write for enjoyment and a purpose. 14. Your writing is an important part of who you are, what you’re growing into and how to expand your voice as an African. 15. Starting off in a traditional blog, be willing to incorporate Microblogging, Podcasting, Vblogging and other technologies that reach diverse audiences. 16. The Earth is a global community, even if you’re writing towards a particular group be accepting of diversity and inclusivity. 17.Never doubt your ability to grow beyond where you are. 18. Don’t blog when you are emotional, your judgement will be blurred and filled with emotions not facts and focus. 19. Never use your blog to spread racism, prejudice, hate, sexism or hateful speech. This will damage your Brand and your reputation. 20. Never be a divider of people but aim to be a unifying element on a global scale. We are a global family and should move to embracing, respecting, and lifting each

other up.

Orange Africa

  1. Be careful of who you associate with, this will influence future relationships, associations and


  2. Never let people throw shade on your picture of yourself. Being authentic is important. Be comfortable in

    your own skin.

  3. Freedom of speech is a constitutional and human right unless you slander, accuse, threaten and demean


  4. Be careful and protect your intellectual property, don’t use company or word-based hardware/software

    to store blogs, videos or photos. You will lose your rights.

  5. Remember your content is making history each
    time you post.

It is being stored, archived and landing someplace. One day in the future either near or far someone will read and engaged with it. A content creator is a life-long journey and should be a life-long adventure, filled with contemplation, joy, excitement, transformational change and collaboration. Where you can find and follow me……. *My Quest to Teach

*LoveBuilt Life, LLC

*PodCcast – My Quest to Teach & Digital Evangelism

*Let The Bible Speak TV, Jos, Nigeria

William is the digital innovator for his brand My Quest To Teach using the hashtag #MyQuestToTeach sharing his journey teaching,  mentoring,

community activism and community collaborations.

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