Understanding Brand Identity in a Digital World for African Content Creators

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Understanding Brand Identity in a Digital World for African Content Creators
William Jackson, M.Ed. #MyQuestToTeach

African Continent

African business owners, entrepreneurs and solo-preneurs have been taking serious steps to strengthen their Brands and create specific Niches in order to standout and be recognized. The growing noise of advertising, broadcasting and shouting is drowning out smaller African business owners that do not have a solid and consistent plan for being seen and heard on the Internet. The COVID19 pandemic has created

serious issues for African business owners to standout and be seen.

Building the identity of businesses whether large or small is important because a Brand is the identity that branches out beyond digital tools and platforms. Being personally connected is just as valuable as being digitally connected. Defining a Brand has become a business model of strategic marketing, def. from dictionaries; “Branding is important because not only is it what makes a memorable impression on consumers, but it allows customers and clients to know what to expect from your company.” The efforts to create, build, design and market a Brand can be expensive,

time consuming and a potential strategic nightmare.

In short a Brand is declaring quality in service and product, professionalism with a touch of humanity and built-in the understanding that loyalty to the customer is there. The component of the logo, never go cheap on a logo because a crappy logo makes a company, a person, a product and services

look crappy.

Identifying a business and even a personal Brand is key to building a following and establishing a Niche. African businesses are learning quickly that people recognize a Brand with colors, slogans, music, a catchy story and even videos of real people solving real problems. African businesses must grasp the ideal of what problem are they solving for the potential


When building a digital Brand in this age of digital technologies businesses should find out what platform(s) will connect with potential customers, what works that is simplistic and catchy, who do they market to, even if they’re not the direct audience of their marketing connect with those too who buy in. Guy Kawasaki “The Art of The Start” speaking about establishing a Brand; even though you have a specific group you’re marketing the Brand to, accept those that do not fit your demographic because they may become your future customers and help in marketing your business and services by

“Word of Mouth.”

African businesses must be strategic about their Brands and learn how to not just market they must sustain their growth, consider new market demographics and digital platforms that connect locally, nationally and internationally. Many lessons can be learned from the growing tech conferences, webinars, Zoom meetings, Skype sessions and other online learning and networking areas that are making a presence across the African


African businesses should be developing teams to help manage all the social connections that may be required to get the attention of the audience. Even having leaders in the companies and corporations start their own webinars to teach business models for the future. Visibility is key, being seen providing help, humanitarian aid, educational opportunities and even aid in the communities that are close by are options for businesses to consider to be seen

and be engaged.

What better way to show a business connection in their local community, to help the workers in that business to make sure families are feed, cared for, and safe. To provide resources in local communities helping children, mothers, grandmothers,

elders and those that cannot help themselves.

COVID19 is showing that Africa is becoming the global economic, technological and educational influencer that it can be as there are increased numbers of educated and passionate business owners, particularly women. No nation can sustain influence nor create dominance if it’s girls and women are not supported as equal, equitable and educated

on the same levels as their male counter-parts.

During the COVID19 pandemic crisis many African nations are even challenging the methods of the United States, Great Britain and other nations because African businesses are increasingly connected to their communities and showing compassion, humanity and assistance to build better communities to address future challenges as African nations are going through a current

pandemic. #AfricaStrong #AfricanStrong

William is the digital innovator for his brand My Quest To Teach using the hashtag #MyQuestToTeach sharing his journey teaching,  mentoring,

community activism and community collaborations.

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